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Welcome to Red Bank Middle School

RBMS Rocket

Home of the Rockets

Mr. Pierson, Principal &ย M. Dougherty, Vice Principal
101 Harding Road, Red Bank, NJ 07701
๐Ÿ“ž 732-758-1515 |ย ๐Ÿ–ท 732-758-1518

Arrival: 8:05 - 8:18 AM | Dismissal: 2:55 PM

Red Bank Middle Schoolโ€™s mission focuses on the combined efforts of our staff, students, parents, community members and partnerships to ensure that all students achieve and become inspired. Our course of study and extracurricular activities emphasize high expectations for our studentsโ€™ mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Our districtโ€™s vision and mission statements truly encompass everything that we stand for: We believe that our children should Dream BIG and weโ€™ll help them get there! We will inspire. We will challenge. They will achieve. Driven by the needs of our children, we provide a safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environment for EVERY student, every day.

Red Bank Middle School believes all our students will achieve and aspire to excellence. Our staff is committed to working diligently to provide a safe, nurturing, and rigorous learning environment for all of our students. We are committed to providing professional learning that provides our staff with the necessary resources and knowledge of research-based instruction. The Middle School continues to focus on implementing instructional models that support, address and improve the academic and linguistic needs of all of our students. Staff are trained in SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol). In Grades 4 and 5, we follow a Readers and Writers Workshop model. We also provide added academic support via a Literacy Interventionist. The implementation of a co-teaching model in all grades and contnet areas allow for added teacher support with more opportunity for intense, small group instruction. The co-teaching model focuses on providing differentiated instruction in a more individualized manner for students with specific needs. We continue to enhance and integrate the AVID curriculum in Grades 4-8. We currently incorporate four AVID components: AVID School-wide, AVID Special Area, AVID Secondary/Elective in Grades 7 & * and AVID+. AVID works collaboratively with our partners from Project Write Now to focus on advanced levels of writing techniques. Each component addresses the specific needs of our students to accelerate learning, motivate and inspire personal success, and create a school-wide college-going culture that supports high expectations and high levels of achievement for all students.ย 

The integration of technology is integral in our day-to-day operations. The 1:1 Chromebook program has been an important initiative that develops 21st-century learning skills throughout the curriculum. Teachers embed technology in meaningful ways in every content area. Our i-Ready benchmark system provides teachers with immediate feedback, and data analysis reports to target and address students' needs. Chromebooks and Interactive Whiteboards enhance learning and push student creativity to new heights while helping address the wide variety of learning styles found in every classroom. Google Classroom brings teachers and students together, working in partnership, or within small groups, allowing for students to provide real-time and ongoing peer feedback.ย 

The Middle School continues to focus on expanding opportunities in Performing Arts, both, within our school and through our community partnerships. We provide opportunities for our students to participate in Jazz and Concert Band, Strings, and Kids on Broadway through our various community partnerships with the Jazz Arts Project, Count Basie Center for the Arts and Monmouth Conservatory. We also offer a morning Band class, a Strings after school program, and we the Mind Aligned Program for all grade levels with teaching artists from the Count Basie Center for the Arts that focus on percussion, dance, and theater with our students. Our concerts are the perfect fora for us to come together with our community partners and showcase our studentsโ€™ talents to parents, staff, and community.

All students at RBMS participate in Project Lead the Way (PLTW). This course of study integrates science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). This engaging and hands-on curriculum enhances problem-solving skills, develops critical thinking, and continues to foster creative and innovative reasoning as the students move on to the High School. Red Bank Regional High School also offers PLTW for students that get accepted into the Academy of Engineering. In addition to PLTW, we also offer a variety of special area classes including Art, Music, AVID, Physical Education, Health, Mindfulness, Chinese and Spanish.

Our goal is to extend learning and enrichment opportunities beyond the school day. We offer an after school program that provides academic support and enrichment opportunities to all of our students. The extended day program allows for the integration of performing arts, cultural enrichment, tutoring, student leadership, community service learning, and character development. Our Middle School Athletic Program is committed to providing an opportunity for student-athletes to develop their academic and athletic potential fully. RBMS offers Boys and Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Baseball and Softball, and Boys and Girls Basketball. Additionally, our students are provided with unique opportunities that allow them to have exceptional experiences through a variety of partnerships that our district has established. Partners such as the Stars Challenge program at Monmouth University, Project Write Now, Horizons @ Rumson Country Day School, Community YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Salvation Army, and Red Bank Elks Lodge, all work with us to provide our students with enriching experiences that help our children Dream BIG!

Our school community maintains positive and collaborative relationships with parents and families. Parent-Teacher conferences and Parent Portal has enabled teachers, parents, and students to stay abreast of studentsโ€™ academic progress. Our Academic Showcase continues to support and promote the connections between home and school. Teachers, parents, and students take part in these fun-filled, educational, and hands-on programs in order to present educational concepts in a way that is meaningful and that the whole family enjoys. Teachers and staff give their time to prepare and organize special activities and events throughout the school year. Some of the amazing events that we offer include various themed dances and dinners, concerts and student performances, family informational sessions, fundraisers and sales, and incentives and recognition activities that are held throughout the school year.

The Red Bank Middle School believes that our hard work and dedication will motivate all of our students to achieve and aspire to excellence. Everyone is committed to cultivating a safe, nurturing, challenging, and inspiring learning environment for all our students. We not only work towards their academic success, but we also model positivity, respect, empathy, and collaboration so that our students become compassionate, kind, and valuable citizens of our community and society. Our staff, parents, and community partners work collaboratively and dedicate themselves to inspire our students to work hard, persevere, and to maintain the #RBBisBIA (Red Bank Borough is Best In America) positive mindset in order to build upon our successes. GO ROCKETS!