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How to Communicate with School Officials

Communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program is the best approach to receive information about our schools or answers to any questions you may have regarding your child. Please refer to our Communicating with School Officials guidelines.

Central Office

📍 76 Branch Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701
📞 732-758-1507

Board Office Fax: 732-212-1356
Business Office Fax: 732-758-0140

Name Title Extension
Diane Barone Confidential Payroll Coordinator 1501 
Michelle Case-Ramalho Confidential Secretary to the Department of Pupil Personnel Services 1523
Cheryl Cuddihy Director of Curriculum & Instruction 1512 
Monique Grable Confidential Secretary to the Superintendent's Office 1510 
Jenny Hurd Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services & Guidance  1520
Luigi Laugelli Assistant Superintendent of Schools 1510
Meliza Lemus Confidential Executive Secretary to the Superintendent 1507
Ivelis Menter Assistant to the Business Administrator 1502
Jared Rumage Superintendent of Schools  1507
Dena Russo Supervisor of RtI and ESL   
Anthony Sciarrillo Business Administrator/Board Secretary 1508
Tina Sullivan Confidential Secretary to the Business Administrator 1508

District Staff

Name Title Extension
Joseph Christiano Director of Technology 1861
Brian Ericson Senior Computer Technology Associate 1547 
Meghan Quinn Computer Technology Associate 1860 
Zachary Robinson Information Systems Manager 1549 
Samantha Ruhnke Systems Administrator 1858 

Primary School

📍 222 River Street, Red Bank, NJ 07701
📞 732-758-1530

Name Title Extension
Nyomi Garcia School Counselor 1524
Maria Iozzi Principal  1533
Gisela Montalvo-Acevedo School Secretary 1531 
Christopher Murray School Counselor 1545
Shniece Perry School Secretary 1530
Cathleen Reardon Nurse  1538 
Christina Vlahos Vice Principal 1537

Middle School

📍 101 Harding Road, Red Bank, NJ 07701
📞 732-758-1515

Name Title Extension
Thomas Berger Director of Facilities  1505
Liliana Carvajal School Secretary 1515
Jeanette Croken Nurse  1532
Dawn Fowler School Counselor 1527
Olga Guzman Baez School Secretary  1516
Michael Dougherty Vice Principal  1516
Sophia Mierzwa School Counselor 1859 
James Pierson Principal  1516 
Carlos Villacres School Counselor 1523

Preschool Headquarters 

📍 247 Broad St, Red Bank, NJ 07701 
📞 732-758-1515

Name Title Extension
Rosalinda Morales-Vargas Community Parent Involvement Specialist 732-865-3069
Debra Rochford Preschool Nurse 1543 
Cruz Roolaart Secretary for Preschool Education Programs 1536
Morgan Cassella Supervisor of Preschool 1536